Two Steps Back.


It happened…the news I was dreading to hear arrived in the mail about 2 weeks ago. Due to the amount of time I have been off of work, it will take me approximately 2 years full time in university to get my nursing licence back. Although I don’t actually do “hands on” nursing in my job, being able to put the letters R.N. after my name means I have to have a universal level of competency in order to be able to function in all areas of nursing. As much as I understand that this profession requires regulation in order to keep the public safe, it’s just not necessary for the position I am in. I wish I could accurately express the level of frustration and sadness that I am feeling right now. It just cements to me the feeling that I have somehow failed in my life for not rising about the depression that has had a hold on me for so long. Continue reading

Finding My Own.


As I gradually dip my toe into this wonderful world of blogging, I continue to be impressed and inspired by the vast array of offerings, put out for all the world to see, by such a dynamic and diverse group of people that make up the blogging community. I’ve discovered words of wisdom, stories of triumph over adversity and genuine gestures of support that I now strive to emulate in my own life. But right along side of those are the writings of people who simply offer up the pain and perils of their daily life with such brutal honesty simply to save themselves the burden of having to keep it all inside while at the same time reaching out to find others who would completely understand their strife. Continue reading